Un Diadema a Villa Olmo
Si sale da Tavarnuzze verso Impruneta e dopo pochi tornanti eccoci al Relais Villa Olmo dove si concentra ospitalità, produzione di olio e vino e il Ristorante Diadema.
Towns of Italy nasce dal rebranding di Florencetown, tour operator pioniere del turismo esperienziale di alta qualità, fondato nel 2006 da Luca Perfetto e Urbano Brini, e oggi allarga il proprio raggio d’azione da Firenze ad altre destinazioni in tutta Italia.
L'espansione del modello di turismo esperienziale di Florencetown in Towns of Italy.
Florencetown, tour operator pioniere del turismo esperienziale di alta qualità, fondato nel 2006 da Luca Perfetto e Urbano Brini, diventa Towns of Italy e allarga il proprio raggio d'azione da Firenze ad altre destinazioni in tutta Italia.
American tourists are back in Tuscany, Umbria, Sardinia and Campania, looking for special experiences and unusual spots.
To Italy Group - The Italian Experience is born: a company dedicated to experiential tourism in Italy with an initial investment of up to EUR 5.5 million led by Cdp Venture Capital Sgr.
To Italy Group is born, the first Italian Experiential Tourism group
To Italy Group - The Italian Experience is the first group dedicated to experiential tourism in Italy with an initial investment of up to EUR 5.5 million led by CDP Venture Capital Sgr, through the Fondo Italia Venture II - Fondo Imprese Sud and SMP Holding.
Travel technology platforms on the rise: experience is the goal
Tourism: with a 5.5 million investment led by Cdp-Venture Capital and Smp Holding, To Italy Group - industrial partner Destination Italia - is founded.
To Italy Group - The Italian Experience, the first group dedicated to experiential tourism in Italy has been founded with an initial investment of up to 5.5 million euros led by Cdp Venture Capital Sgr, through Fondo Italia Venture II - Fondo Imprese Sud and Smp Holding.
Aiming for experiential tourism: To Italy Group is born
To Italy Group - The Italian Experience is born, the first group dedicated to experiential tourism in Italy with an initial investment of up to EUR 5.5 million led by CDP Venture Capital Sgr, through the Fondo Italia Venture II - Fondo Imprese Sud and SMP Holding.